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Finding Your Fun

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

I went for a walk in the rain the other day. Part of that was because I needed the exercise and there wasn’t a break in the forecast. Aside from that though, I like to walk in the rain every now and then to celebrate the fact that I don’t have enough sense to come out of the rain. 😊

That’s one example of a me finding my fun. Here are some others:

  • Dancing to my “By the Seaside” phone alarm once in a while.

  • Treating myself to ice cream in my coffee.

  • Using postage stamps with the word “Celebrate” on them.

  • Annotating my To-do list with a smiley face for a task I’ll enjoy or because my inspirational quote of the day makes me smile.

I am sharing this with you because I believe we would all be much happier if we could find ways to make the otherwise mundane aspects of our life more fun. The truth is that we don’t have to be entertained by other people, events, videos, etc. We can entertain ourselves and have fun doing it!

Look for more fun in your life and see how much better you feel.

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