The new year is a time for new beginnings and that often includes New Year's resolutions. Here are some quick tips to help them be more successful:
Choose resolutions that you really want to make; not ones that you think you should make. The power to change comes from within. It won’t come if it isn’t important to you.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Resolutions often require extra time. At the very least, they require focus and commitment. If you’ve already got a busy schedule, prioritize your resolutions so that you only have to focus on one at a time. That will significantly improve your chances for success. You can then allow that success to carry you forward into the next resolution.
Rather than resolving to stop doing something or to give up something, decide to do something different. If you are trying to diet, for example, instead of telling yourself that you are going to eat less food, give up candy, etc., tell yourself that you are going to eat carrots instead of cookies, make the most of your 1500 calories a day, etc. I know the difference is subtle, but the idea is to feel less like you are being deprived and also to have a plan for how to respond when the craving comes. It is also easier to start a new habit than it is to stop an old one.
Write down, in the form of an affirmation, why you want to make this change in your life. For instance, “I want _________ because _______________________.” Memorize it and resolve to repeat it to yourself several times a day.
Plan to be patient. It takes time to develop a new habit. Conventional wisdom says 21 to 30 days. According to Psychology Today, 66 days might be more like it.
Plan a big reward for yourself once you achieve your goal. That gives you something to look forward to. More importantly, build in small rewards to help you stay motivated along the way.
Share your resolution only with people who you know will support you. Negative feedback will not help you meet your goals.
Don’t give up if you slip up. Focus on your successes. Remind yourself of all of the times that you could have slipped up and didn’t. That will help give you the boost of confidence you need to keep going.
Good luck and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful new year!