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Practice Optimism

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Expect good things. Believe that success is possible. Hope for the best.

Some people think this approach to life is foolish. They claim you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Yet, while it is true that pessimists are less surprised by their disappointments, they don’t suffer any fewer of them. They just miss out on the pleasure of looking forward to the good things that can and do happen all the time.

More importantly, studies have shown that optimists generally live longer and happier lives than pessimists. What’s not to like about that?

Of course, very few people actually admit to being pessimists. Instead, they claim to be “realists.” I suppose that argument applies if you are looking at statistical probabilities, but just because something is improbable doesn’t mean it is impossible. Back in the 1940s, everyone assumed it was impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes. Roger Bannister didn’t assume that. In fact, he believed it was not only possible but that he was the guy to do it. Sure enough, in May of 1954, he broke the four-minute mile.

We hear all the time about people who overcome incredible odds to achieve their dreams. Do you think they wake up in the morning convinced they are going to fail? No!

Most of us don’t have goals as lofty or seemingly impossible as Roger Bannister’s. In my opinion, that is all the more reason for us to practice optimism!

Yes, it is statistically unlikely that you will be promoted. There are fewer supervisors at each level than there are supervisees. Still, people get promoted. Why not you? People get raises too. Why not you? People get good deals occasionally. Why not you? Why not now? It is also possible that you’ll make the green light, find a parking space, get a compliment from a customer or co-worker, finish that project on time, get a good night’s sleep, etc. If it is possible, then it can happen. Next time you are thinking about the future, imagine the best outcome and ask yourself “Why not?” At the very least, it will make you feel better about life and about the future.

Here is another reason why optimists have a happier life. They tend to be more successful. You see, if you believe that a goal is attainable, you are more likely to help make it happen. Using the promotion example above, which person is more likely to exert extra effort to get a promotion: someone who believes it is possible or someone who has given up hope? In a more common scenario, if you believe you are going to have a good day, you are more likely to smile at strangers, have more patience with the barista, etc. The result? People smile back. The barista is nice. Before you know it, you are having a good day! You have just created your own success simply by believing it to be possible. Pretty amazing, eh?

If you ask me, a little disappointment now and then is a small price to pay for a longer, happier, and more successful life. Give it a try!

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