I was struck by this quote that appeared in The Week magazine 2/7/20 issue:
“Self-consciousness is the enemy of all art, be it acting, writing, painting, or living itself, which is the greatest art of all.” – Author Ray Bradbury
I was struck because I often allow self-consciousness to get in the way of living my life and I’ll bet that’s also true for many of you. Here’s another quote that I often revisit to inspire me to step outside my comfort zone:
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” –Anais Nin
If there is something you want to achieve in your life or you just want to have more friends or spend more time socializing or traveling or whatever, please don’t put it off any longer. Take at least a first step in that direction this week. I know it won’t be easy but trust me, it will be worth it. You have to move beyond your self-consciousness and/or your fear if you really want to thrive.