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Take Time for Your Artistic Self

A couple of years ago, I painted rocks for the very first time.

It wasn’t my idea or anything I would have thought of on my own. I wasn’t very good at it either and probably won’t do it again unless someone invites me to do so. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it! As someone who lives mostly in a world of words and numbers, it felt good to use the creative side of my brain to paint a picture of a face on one rock and a dotted design on another.

Why am I sharing this with you? I got to thinking that if this was a good experience for me, it might also be a good experience for you.

According to Renee Phillips, founder and director of Manhattan Arts International, “There is an increasing amount of scientific evidence that proves art enhances brain function. It has an impact on brain wave patterns and emotions, the nervous system, and can actually raise serotonin levels. Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience the world.”

So, if you haven’t engaged your artistic self in a while, I encourage you to give it a try.

Painting is not the only form of art. So is drawing, playing an instrument, singing, writing music, fiction, or poetry, and even rearranging furniture. Pick something that appeals to you and don’t worry about whether or not you are any good at it. Even if you’re artistically challenged like I am, you can still have fun – and we can all use a little more of that!

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